The public collection Helping Pilsen was created because many people in Pilsen have housing problems and are in housing need. Housing need means that a person has unstable, poor quality housing, lives in an overcrowded apartment or house, or housing is too expensive for them. It is also difficult to move because it is very expensive. In many cases, the only thing needed to solve housing problems is money. Even though one may try their best, it may not be enough sometimes. For these people in particular, money from donors can help start a better housing situation.
Can be used for:
Can't be used for:
The application must be submitted on a completed form. It is necessary to fill in the application form truthfully and to describe the applicant's situation as accurately as possible. After submitting the application, the applicant may be asked to provide evidence of the relevant facts stated in the application and to verify the accuracy of the information provided or to complete it.
The completed and signed application, together with all attachments, must be delivered to the ODBSZ MMP, Jagellonská 8, Pilsen or to the mailroom of the Municipality of Pilsen, Škroupova 5, Pilsen, or by data box (ID 6iybfxn).
Applications up to CZK 20,000 will be considered as soon as possible.. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that requests over CZK 20,000 must be extra approved by the City Council of Pilsen, which meets on specified dates.
If the application is approved, the applicant will be invited to sign a donation agreement. Once the contract is signed, the money will be paid into their account or by postal order.